About the Design, Construction and Economics of Living in Space

  • Artificial Gravity – Part II

    Artificial Gravity – Part II

    Placeholder for another post

  • State of the Art

    State of the Art

    It is my belief that the Commercial LEO Destinations (CLD) program issued by NASA in March 2021 is a watershed moment in the lengthy line that started in the 1971 with the 1st space station in orbit, the Soviet Union “Salyut I“, continue today with the International Space Station and the Chinese “Tiangong” Space Station…

  • CLD selection statement published by NASA

    CLD selection statement published by NASA

    Nasa recently published in the federal government portal sam.gov, the selection statement for Commercial LEO Destinations, the NASA program to fund the initial development of commercial space stations in LEO. Here is the link to the publication: https://sam.gov And here is the link to the statement document (in PDF): https://sam.gov To note that also ESA…

  • Artificial Gravity – Part I

    Artificial Gravity – Part I

    One of the earliest design for a rotating space station.

  • Cilinders in Space

    Cilinders in Space

    Space Stations,a brief history in time “Because for our entire being to acquire a real meaning and for mankind to be justified in feeling set by God as an agent of a higher cause, [..] we must succeed in transplanting our civilization and thus in spreading it over the entire universe.” Herman “Noordug” Potocnik ,1928…

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